[organic electric polymath]
Technical improv is the art and science of improvising theatrical design; specifically lights and sound. This can include improvised lighting cues, live musical scoring and sound effects. Improv tech is taking your improv show from just a "show" to a truly theatrical experience.
These workshops include the how-tos and the whys of improvised theatrical design for lighting, music, sound effects and video projection.
So you've got an idea for an improv show. How do you get from an idea to a performance?
At its highest level, Dramaturgy is the art of shaping a story into a form that can be acted. Dramaturgy tells us how to research for a genre-based show, how to think critically about which tools to keep in our narrative toolbox, and why we do live theater in the first place.

Kaci Beeler, Writer/Performer/Director
American Berserk Theatre, Hideout Theatre, Parallellogramophonograph - Austin, TX
Lindsey McGowen [is a] pioneer in the world of technical improvisation. And I don't just mean here in Austin, or here in the US, but in the WORLD. She is an innovator that we're lucky to have - and you can learn from her and become innovators in this exciting field of work.

Eric Caldwell, Performer/Artistic Director - Alaska State Improv Festival
Rorschach Pattern 9, Cogs & Goggles - Juneau, AK
"Bring Lindsey to your community and have her work with your people. She understands improv tech better than damn near anyone and is great at breaking down hard concepts into reasonable pieces."

Mark Tindle, Producer/Performer
Duck Duck Goose Improv, Story Kitchen Impro - London, UK
Lindsey has a deep knowledge of and passion for technical improvisation, both with sound and lighting. With her careful preparation and great attentiveness to what is happening onstage, her work consistently supports and enhances scenes, and provides great inspiration to the actors. It was a true pleasure to work with her and is something that I hope to do again very soon.

Peter Rogers, Performer/Director
Hideout Theatre, Fiasco - Austin, TX
Not only is Lindsey brilliant across the board in every current aspect of improv tech, but she’s an unprecedented innovator in creating styles and techniques of improv tech that never existed before.